Developing a thoughtful public pension funding policy

A thoughtful pension funding policy provides the best way for public sector employers to keep their pension promises. The funding policy provides discipline to address unfunded pension liabilities, while respecting the many current demands for budget dollars. The League of Arizona Cities and Towns recently sponsored a study by a special Task Force to identify […]Read More… from Developing a thoughtful public pension funding policy

Public Pension Plan Funding Policy – The Time is Here

“Every state and local government that offers defined-benefit pensions [should] formally adopt a funding policy…,” according to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) best practice recommendations. Guidelines for Funding Defined Benefit Pensions (2013) (CORBA) SOA and GASB Provide Guidance Blue Ribbon Panel. Last month, a blue ribbon panel formed by the Society of Actuaries went […]Read More… from Public Pension Plan Funding Policy – The Time is Here

OPEB Investments – The Danger of Playing It Safe

Under GASB 43 and 45, public sector employers are required to account for retiree medical benefits under special rules for Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB).  Many have chosen to pre-fund these liabilities in a trust similar to a retirement plan trust.  At the recent Minnesota School Board Association convention, Van Iwaarden Associates teamed up with an […]Read More… from OPEB Investments – The Danger of Playing It Safe