The 2018 PEPRA compensation limits are $121,388 for Social Security members and $145,666 for non-Social Security members. These limits are the maximum pay that a California public agency can recognize in a defined benefit plan for PEPRA members, i.e. those first hired by a public employer in 2013 or later. “Classic” members hired from 1996 […]Read More… from 2018 PEPRA compensation limits
Tag: public pensions
First pensions, now OPEB – New GASB 74 & 75 will transform OPEB reporting
Public sector employers, get ready! The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has officially approved new accounting statements for Other Post-Employment Benefit plans (OPEB; retiree medical). Here’s what the recent GASB announcement confirms: Final provisions will closely mirror GASB 67/68 pension accounting. The official statements won’t be released until late June, but last summer’s OPEB exposure […]Read More… from First pensions, now OPEB – New GASB 74 & 75 will transform OPEB reporting
OPEB Investments – The Danger of Playing It Safe
Under GASB 43 and 45, public sector employers are required to account for retiree medical benefits under special rules for Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB). Many have chosen to pre-fund these liabilities in a trust similar to a retirement plan trust. At the recent Minnesota School Board Association convention, Van Iwaarden Associates teamed up with an […]Read More… from OPEB Investments – The Danger of Playing It Safe
“Measure It Before You Promise It” for GASB 45 OPEB
Over the past several years, GASB 45 has required public employers to recognize the cost of Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEB: e.g., retiree health insurance, life insurance) while employees are accruing the benefits, not after they retire. For many public entities, the true cost of their healthcare promises has been an eye opener. However, public employers […]Read More… from “Measure It Before You Promise It” for GASB 45 OPEB
Understanding the Leveraging Effect of GASB 45 OPEB Liabilities
As public plan sponsors complete their second (or third) actuarial valuation of GASB 45 liabilities, they may be surprised at the potential volatility of their Actuarial Accrued Liability (AAL). There are various factors that can cause large AAL changes, including adjustments to the plan provisions or switching health insurers. This post focuses on a less […]Read More… from Understanding the Leveraging Effect of GASB 45 OPEB Liabilities
First Look at Proposed GASB Accounting Changes
Over the past couple of years, the GASB (Governmental Accounting Standards Board – they write the public employer accounting rules) has started the process of updating the accounting rules for public employer pension and retiree health plans. They issued an invitation for ideas/comments in 2009 and now we are getting our first sneak peek at […]Read More… from First Look at Proposed GASB Accounting Changes
Public Pension Backlash
I have been saying to my colleagues for the past couple of years that the backlash against public employee pensions was on the horizon. Recent newspaper articles and pension studies confirm that the storm is finally here. With many private employees seeing their retirement savings halved during the recession and their employer-sponsored retirement plans cut […]Read More… from Public Pension Backlash