Evolving needs. Customized guidance.
VIA Tax Exempt Solutions
Tax exempt entities require unique pension solutions. These plans often have a long-term paternal approach that may or may not be aligned with the organization’s future vision. We work with employers and boards to understand pension risks and develop strategies to manage costs.
Common tax-exempt organizations with pension plans include:
- Church plans
- Church-affiliated plans (e.g., hospitals and senior living facilities)
- Charitable organizations
- Private universities and educational facilities
- Native American tribal plans
Looking for a new perspective and customized guidance on your tax-exempt organization’s pension plan? Let us help you quantify, evaluate, and mitigate your pension plan risks. A comprehensive review helps support benefit security for plan participants and a stable financial future for your plan.
The solutions we bring are:
- Actuarial valuations to determine sustainable contributions and plan audit liabilities
- Pension risk transfer strategies (e.g., lump sum payouts and annuity purchases)
- Actuarial audits and assumption reviews
- Funding policy studies
- Stakeholder educational sessions (e.g., “Pension 101” for boards and committees)
- Plan re-design studies and risk assessments
- ERISA funding and FASB accounting valuations, if needed
Our key advice for tax exempt entities with closed or frozen pension plans? Start evaluating options for reducing long-term pension risks and costs through an “endgame” strategy. Having clear long-term objectives is important since tax exempt organizations often have budgetary limitations and lower risk tolerance than for-profit pension plan sponsors. VIA Actuarial Solutions will help clarify your options and develop a concrete strategy to methodically reduce your pension plan footprint.